Thursday, October 31, 2019

Service Line Development Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Service Line Development - Term Paper Example Self paying patients have increased from 5 to 8%. These changes have been accompanied by a reduction in revenue from $461.5 million to $427 million – a 7.5% decline. This decline has led to a decline in the hospital’s profit margin from $23.075 million to a negative of $1.495 million – a decline of 106.5%. This decline in revenue appears to have been initiated by the loss of the Obstetrics program and the erosion of general surgery volumes. The number of discharges, patient days, ADC, Surgeries, OP visits and ED visits. The only increase is related to ALOS which increased from 4.0 to 4.3. Zuckerman et al (2002) noted that mandatory health maintenance organizations (HMO) programs have had a positive impact on both adults and children and has resulted in less dependence on emergency room for medical care. There is an increase in the use of preventative care. Zuckerman et al (2002) also pointed to differences in access between people enrolled in Medicaid managed car e and low-income privately insured people. This difference seems to have positively impacted the percentage of patients using Medicaid and Medicare while negatively impacting the percentage of patients using the facility who are insured. Gaynor and Haas-Wilson (1999, p. ... The memos and telephone conversations seem to be pointing towards the legislative mindset of reducing payments to hospitals. There are also changes in how physicians are reimbursed and this has implications for health care in the county. However, although everyone is affected Robert Holland who is not directly employed in the health sector appears to be the only person who knows how to impact the legislative changes to the health care policy. There is an urgent need for improvement in health care policies and the suggestion made by Robert Holland to the CEO – Morgan Reece of working more closely with the Hospital Political Action Committee in order to frame feedback to the legislators is a good one. A member of the hospital board - Dr. Joint, who does not work at the Trinity Community Hospital is concerned that Congress wants to either reduce reimbursement or keep it at the same level while opening the doors of medical facilities to millions. Dr. Joint indicates that the payme nt to physician is not keeping up with cost increases and so the hospital will not be able to recruit any new doctors. This seems to have been the problem when the Obstetrics service was discontinued at the hospital. There is obviously a shortage of doctors which can have crippling effects on health services. This will also turn people away from public health facilities as they will prefer to pay more for private services in order to ensure that they receive quality health care. It therefore means that those who cannot afford private care are the only ones who will visit the hospital. Currently, only some basic provisions can be dealt with in relation to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Unit Assessment 3 professionalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Unit Assessment 3 professionalism - Essay Example These interactions create relationships. Each state in the US has its own laws concerning discrimination. For any company, it is important to maintain a workplace that is free from any type of discrimination. Workplace harassment and discrimination may reduce productivity and lowers the employees’ morale. It is, therefore, very important for both management and the staff to work together to reduce this vice. To reduce workplace discrimination and harassment in the workplace, employees can ask the management to put in a formal complaints process just in case there is not one. Employees should not let things go out of hand and should seek assistance from their supervisor or the human resource department if they witness a case of workplace discrimination or harassment. In addition, employees gets hired into an organization they should go through the policies laid down so as not to participate in any acts that may seem like harassment or discrimination. Employees should always report any forms of harassment or discrimination through the proper channels so that employers can deal with the cases and reduce cases of lawsuits and low productivity. According to DuPont (1998), everyone in a n organization should always be professional. For the most, part we notice different thing about people. According to Nelson (2004), one main aspect that we notice about others is their age. Some people may form prejudicial opinions based on this. Most employers are prejudiced when it comes to the older generation. An employee may feel as though they are being discriminated against due to their age when a promotion that they feel they were meant to get is given to a younger employee who does not have the necessary skills to take up that position. The employee may have the necessary skills and more than enough work, experience and still be passed off during an offer for a

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Science and Mathematics Should be Taught in English Debate

Science and Mathematics Should be Taught in English Debate Is it necessary for our government to implement learning Mathematics and Science in English? This has been a big issue among students lately because it is said to disturb their routine lifestyle of studying. Basically, we know that our Malaysias education system encompasses education beginning from pre-school to university. Pre-tertiary education (pre-school to secondary education) is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education (MOE) while tertiary or higher education is the responsibility of the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE). The vision of the Government is to make Malaysia a centre of educational excellence. The implementation of English language in Mathematics and Science has made a new aim in our education system now. Let us look back to our main point, which is why the teaching of Mathematics and Science in English has become a controversial issue, and several recommendations are made to resolve the issue. Malaysia is a multicultural and multilingual country with Malay as the official national language. In order to unify the nation, a national education system with Malay as the medium of instruction is being adopted for all primary and secondary schools. In 2002, the government announced the implementation of a new policy in the national education system; English is made the language of instruction in schools for the teaching of Mathematics, Science and technology subjects. These subjects had formerly been taught in the Malay language. English as the language of instruction for Mathematics and Science (ELIMS or PPSMI as it is known in Malay) was implemented in stages, starting in 2003 for standard one (first grade of primary school), form one (first year of lower secondary) and the lower six (first year of upper secondary school). The decision to use English was based on the rationale that mastery of English is regarded as an important mechanism for direct acquisition of knowledge in t he field of science and technology (Ainan, 2003). The first controversial issue is that learning English in a second language is seen as unsuitable when children encounter difficulty in interpreting the meaning of Mathematics and Science discourse. The purpose of teaching Science and Mathematics in English is to enable students to acquire proficiency in English while learning Science. Many educational issues are crucial when learning takes place in students second language. In Malaysia, most learners encounter English for the first time in school. They find it harder to adapt the new change in our education system. This inadvertently impairs students learning abilities since learning in these subjects may be compressed within a complex linguistic classroom. The problem of learning Science through a second language is compounded by other factors, such as teachers who are not proficient in English and the lack of good Science textbooks (Ong, 2004). The government cant come up with a good explanation when the issue of teachers who are not proficient in English were debated in the parliament because they were too busy in governing the economy of our country. The second most controversial issue in implementing English in teaching Mathematics and Science is that the non-Malay students who are the majority residence in urban areas indicated their preference of the use of English in learning Mathematics and Science while the rural students, were not supportive on the use of English language. Malaysian students and teachers are multicultural and have multilingual backgrounds. The implementation of PPSMI created great concern among parents and educators on the quality of Mathematics and Science education as both teachers and students are not proficient in the English language (The Star, 2006). This is expected as Malay language has been the language of instruction for more than four decades. Moreover, the teaching of non-science and Mathematics subjects in schools continue to use Malay language. In a study to provide some baseline data for this concern, Juriah Long and colleagues (The Star, 2006) found that 60% of Mathematics and Science teach ers were not fluent in the English language while only 45% said they are comfortable in using the language to teach. The students from the rural area find difficult to adapt and score in Mathematics and Science subject compare to the students from the urban areas especially the non-Malay student can do better as they are more suitable in the second language compare to Malay language. If these matter continue, it will create havoc among the people in our country and this time, it will be worse than the 13th May tragedy. The implementation of English in teaching Mathematics and Science should be carry out and the government have come up with some solutions in improving this policy to overcome these problems. In order to compensate for students weakness in English language, the teacher must take on the role of a translator in class. The teacher describe the teaching in the class as using first in the English, then repeat the explanation again in Malay for the benefits of those who have low English proficiency. More time will be needed to convey the same concept compared to when Malay language was used as the medium of instruction. Teaching time for Science and Mathematics may need to be increased. It is recommended that teachers continue to carry out code switching when conducting their Science and Mathematics lessons. In addition, teaching strategies may need to be modified so that students will not be denied a quality Science and Mathematics education. So far, much of the thrust of this policy has f ocused on upgrading the linguistic skills of teachers and providing them with technical support. Even extremely proficient and experienced teachers cannot teach their subjects entirely in English if the students are incapable of understanding them. This finding is supported by the information released by the Ministry of Education based on the mandated national level public examinations for all form three students (The Star, 2005). They found that despite learning Science and Mathematics in English for three years, only 33% of the Science candidates and 27% of the Mathematics candidates used English to answer questions. Most of the candidates, however, preferred to answer in either Malay or a mixture of both languages. For valid assessment of Science and Mathematics, the use of dual-language test-booklet as a language accommodation need to continue to ensure students are assess on their Science and Mathematics achievement and not their language ability. The government should be positive minded in enhancing the knowledge of our future students by implementing the policy of teaching Mathematics and Science in English so that our country can produce more efficient and dedicated students who are high in knowledge and good proficiency in English language. Thus, the linguistic abilities of their students are crucial in deciding to what extent teachers can implement PPSMI. All the teachers show their main concern when teaching in English, making sure that students could understand the lesson. It is almost a reflexive action among teachers that as soon as their students look lost or seem unable to comprehend, they resort to translating the terms or specific portion of that lesson. Therefore, in classes where the majority of the students are academically able and linguistically proficient, the teachers must teach their lessons entirely in English. Meanwhile, with weaker classes, these teachers should use more Malay in class, by way of transl ation. As a result, instead of teaching Mathematics and Science in English, many teachers will end up teaching these subjects in English and Malay. This pedagogical response has much to do with the pressure that teachers feel about covering the syllabus within specific timelines so that students will be ready for school exams and mandated public exams. These exams take place at set times during the school year. This being the case, on the spot translation offers them the fastest route to achieving their goal of increasing students comprehension.

Friday, October 25, 2019

24 Hour Society :: Economics

24 Hour Society Objective 2 Â · What is the 24 hour society? Â · Describe the growing 24 hour society? Â · In special detail explain the reason for the growing number of E-commerce and 24 hour supermarkets and specialised stores? Analysis of main elements of the system. These days extended working hours are not uncommon. The 24 Hour Society is one in which certain activities are performed around the clock. The old saying "there is a time and a place for everything" no longer holds true. This trend is partly driven by the levels of convenience demanded by consumers, but also enabled by changes in legislation and the increasing opportunities provided by technological innovation. GRAPH When using the library I will look in books with the most relevancies to my objectives, for instance I would want to look up why shops decided to become E-commerce and not just lists of E-commerce shops although this could also be partly relevant. Using the Internet will be very difficult for this case study, the reason for this is because if you search using the keyword 'E-commerce', '24 hour' or '24 hour society' many of the results will be just online shops with out information of the reasons they become E-commerce, however some other reports published on the 24 hour society might be useful. Interviews will also be quite hard but not impossible. It is not easy to find someone who has an active role in E-commerce businesses this is because of the 'junk' on the Internet. Detailed research plan. Visit County Library Using Library search engine input "24 hour society" and other variables Note down the placement number of the section Go to that section and collect books that seem most relevant Scan through books and look for information on the 24 hour society Mark places in books with bookmarks Check out the books and take them home for heavier research Find a computer with Internet access Go to a search engine such as / / Type in the key work '24 hour society' Scan through search results for relevant sites If sites are too general try using bouillon commands such as '+', 'AND' or 'NOT' From results copy relevant information in to a word processing program such as Microsoft Word and edit it down in to useful points Save and print Find a person with information you would like to here from him/her Ask if you could record the conversation to write the report Ask the person the questions and push for a detailed response

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Language and Imagery in Wuthering Heights Essay

In Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte uses Language and imagery to create a very stark contrast between Heathcliff, and Edgar Linton. This contrast is not only illustrated in how these characters act, but also in their appearance, usual setting and the language that is used to describe them. Emily Bronte first uses the raw basics of the characters Heathcliff and Edgar Linton to right away let us know that these characters are polar opposites. She does this with the imagery of both characters. In chapter 7, Heathcliff describes Edgar as having light skin and fair hair, whereas in the same chapter it is mentioned that Heathcliff has dark hair and dark skin. This use of binary opposites suggests to the reader already, that Heathcliff and Edgar are complete opposites, right down to their core. This use of Binary opposites and imagery is also applied to where Heathcliff and Edgar live, Edgar living in Thrushcross Grange, the light, large house, and Heathcliff living in the dark, gloomy and sinister house of Wuthering Heights. This imagery of the two houses reflects the characters of the two men. Language is also used effectively and in abundance by Bronte to illustrate the two characters differences. Bronte uses contrasting Lexical fields pertaining to heaven and hell to not only show the contrast in character between Heathcliff and Edgar, but to suggest that one is good and one is evil. For instance Heathcliff is constantly being described as or being referred to with the use of words which relate to hell. His eyes are described as ‘devils spies’ and ‘ dark fiends’ by Nelly, and coupled with his appearance of being dark skinned and haired, he is closely associated with the devil, who represents evil. Edgar on the other hand, is described with a lexical field of a more heavenly nature. His eyes are referred to as being little Angels and his features are continuously called angelic and soft, which suggests he is similar to an angel, which is of course good. By using contrasting lexical fields for each character, Bronte uses selective language to suggest that these two are not only opposites, but they are Good and Evil. Heathcliff is, when being talked of, surrounded by sinister sounding words which aren’t necessarily talking about his character explicitly, but they help to create a dark and sinister atmosphere around his character. An example of this is in chapter seven where Nelly is talking about Heathcliff she uses words such as ‘lurk’ and ‘vicious’ and this is what creates this dark atmosphere. Bronte does the same with Edgar, as when he is talking or being talked about, words such as ‘gently’ and ‘beautiful’ are used and this helps to project a calm and soft atmosphere around Edgar, which is completely different to the atmosphere Heathcliff carries with him, and thus increases the contrast that the reader sees between Heathcliff and Edgar. Catherine brings our attention to the contrast between the two in chapter 9 where she says ‘(Heathcliff’s soul) and Linton’s is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire’ This use of binary opposites again suggests with the use of the words fire and lightning that Heathcliff is violent and harmful and burns, which again associates him with hell, and the use of Frost and moonbeam to describe Edgars soul to suggest he is soft, light, cool and calm reinforces the already stark contrast between the two and again suggests them not only to be different, but to be complete opposites. The fact that to most readers it would be obvious as to which out of either Heathcliff and Edgar is the fire and lightning shows how Bronte has been slotting words into the text as well as the individual characters, to make the reader associate Heathcliff with hell, and Edgar with Heaven. In conclusion, Bronte uses particular lexical fields which are binary opposites to each other and applies them to Heathcliff and Linton to exacerbate the contrast seen between the two. Bronte also uses imagery of their physical appearance and living place, paired with continuous subtle language choices to make the reader associate Heathcliff with Hell, and Edgar with Heaven, and this makes us not only see the two as contrasting characters, but bad and good, and at the completely different ends of the spectrum.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

People Are Just as Happy as They Make Up

â€Å"People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be. † (F) What is happiness and how is it achieved? Simple questions, with different complex answers, none of which can be proved to be right or wrong. Happiness is an individual state of being of each person, acquired by one’s perception in that special moment in time. It simply depends on the individual and how they try to obtain it. Thousands of people try different paths in order to successfully achieve happiness; some of them finding it, some of them never reaching the goal. There are thousands of different answers and meanings for happiness.In this paper, I will argue that the most necessary virtue an individual needs to be have to be happy, is the virtue of mind. Aristotle, one of the most important Greek philosophers in history, defined happiness as the activity of the mind in accordance with virtue. He did not think of happiness as just a state of being; he thought of happiness to be the highest form of good. Everything people do has a specific purpose in life; it aims at something, at a final good. Happiness is an end sufficient in itself, is the end at which all our actions aim.In order to reach this perfect state, he thought the individual should possess; external, mind and bodily virtues and living and acting in accordance to them. By doing so, achieving total happiness. Virtue is what aids proper functioning, since when possessed makes the possessor good. Virtue is a matter of having an apt attitude towards pleasure and pain; therefore it lies in a mean between two extremes. Aristotle implied the mean or balance to be between two vices, the excess which is the one that exceeds and defect the one that falls short, of what is right in our desires and actions.Whereas virtue, finds and chooses what is intermediate. The idea of the virtue then, is for the desires to set the situation and for the individual to be able to choose the intermediate and act like a virtuous person. Ex ternal pleasures; such as honor, wealth and power. Physical pleasures such as beauty, health, and fertility. And mental pleasures such as; patience, intelligence and honesty, are the virtues he believed lead to a good life. In order to achieve happiness, is necessary to be a virtuous person. If the individual does not have virtues, then it does not have anything to guide heir lives by. That being said, the most important virtue to possess is the virtue of the mind, which refers to peace of mind. After being able to attain peace of mind, accomplishing the other virtues and making good use of them is much easier, since mental pleasure is the basis of every other virtue. Positive thoughts, security, believing and accepting oneself, high self-esteem and more, is what makes one happy and leads the individual in the pursuit of more positive actions, therefore making the individual more likely to obtain the other virtues.The way one thinks of themselves and the attitude that one has about life tells a lot about a person. People who have virtue of the mind are going to be happy no matter what, because they know how to react towards life, even in the moments of misfortune or disgrace. For example, people who are going through hard times know how to handle the situation better because they have a positive outlook on life and are able to cope with those situations better. People who have virtue of the mind also know their various challenges and obstacles and are still able to overcome them.Having peace of mind, and knowing how to make good use of one’s internal virtues, is an effortless way to live one’s life and have a better future. By accepting oneself intellectually, physically and interiorly, as well as accepting the environment in which one lives, including the people, the traditions and society, to the point where one respects the other people, including their acts, their way of thinking and their way of living. Peace of mind is not worrying about th e future or for the things that happened in the past.But to live the present in an authentic and exceptional manner, to not worry some day about the things you should have done before but to be satisfied and happy of how has lived their lives. Virtue of the mind also means to love oneself more than anything and anyone, since to love and care for someone one must first learn how to know, care and love themselves. Someone might object that the virtue of the mind is not the most important virtue to have since nowadays to have positive thoughts and a peaceful mind it’s not enough to make someone happy, but wealth and influence.Being beautiful, honest, intelligent, and healthy is nothing if one does not have money. Most people are always in the persistent struggle to be prosperous, given that the people who do not have money are miserable because they do not have â€Å"anything. † Poor people for example, are not happy, even though they possess physical and mind virtues; th ey lack external ones, such as money and are unfortunate because without wealth you are nothing. In the society of nowadays, being wealthy is not an option, but a must to be happy. One might object to it, but how can one explain that some wealthy and influence people are unhappy.Wealth and influence does not give people happiness. Just a positive attitude towards life would give someone the final good. There are some famous people that despite great wealth seem miserable. Some of them don’t even have a stable partner, usually get in trouble with the law all the time, fall in the live drugs, and some of them even commit suicide. Heath Ledger, for example, known as one of the best actors in history for the leading role of the joker in â€Å"The Dark Night†, recognized as one of the best-selling movies of all time.Famous, with family, wealthy and in the media everywhere, but despite all that â€Å"happiness† he had, he still committed suicide, possibly caused by a depression of not fulfilling the expectations of the fans or even not knowing how to cope with the pressure of the role. For some people money can bring a lot of happiness in the sense of stability, freedom and independence. However, money with lack of peace of mind is nothing and would get the individual nowhere.A survey titled â€Å"Joys and Dilemma of Wealth† by Boston College revealed that the wealthiest people are unhappy because they are worried about seeming ungrateful, rearing spoiled children and failing to meet expectations. These people are in the mouth of everyone; their names appear in the media with false gossip, and their privacy is always intruded. This a mistake where the individuals centered their lives on the external, and are concerned too much about what other people think without believing in themselves, leading them not only to auto destructive acts but violent actions for them and their families.For some, money and wealth gives happiness, but definitel y not the truly one. Only mental pleasure; believing in oneself, having a positive attitude, having high self-esteem and loving oneself like no other, would lead one to complete happiness. Material or external possessions are not essential, if the individual knows and recognizes what their goals in live are. To corroborate the importance of the virtues of mind to reach happiness, first of all the individual needs to realize and be aware that happiness is an internal state of being of each person.There are numerous amounts of people in the world who could serve as examples to support the importance of the virtue of mind in the path of achieving happiness. Nelson Mandela, for example, one of the most recognized, respected and admired political leaders of our time. In spite of the extremely poor conditions he had to live in during his early life and nearly three decades of imprisonment, he still struggle and did everything he could to fight for his believes against racial oppression.Hi s heroic acts made him win the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country. By this and many other important things that he has done, is when he saw his ideals and purpose in life, coming true. Most likely, giving him the complete happiness he has always fought for. Nick Vujicic is an admirable person, and another great example of the importance of just having a positive attitude towards life to be happy. Nick was born with no limbs, he is practically just torso, and has a small foot on his left hip which helps him with balance.Nick’s father taught him to swim at 18 months, to type with his little toe at just 6 years of age, and his mom invented a special plastic device for him to hold a pen or pencil with his mouth to be able to write. He plays golf, swims and surfs. Even though it was really difficult for him to adapt to his difference when little, he overcame every issue he had and nowadays is an admirable person, who has traveled to 24 countries of the world shari ng how this problem has become a blessing for him, and how just by changing your attitude towards life makes a great difference in every individual.Just like these examples, there are many more cases of people that just by having a positive attitude towards life have been able to succeed or overcome obstacles even though they have had a hard life. Supporting that if an individual has virtue of the mind, and has always a positive view, fights for their ideals and know what they want for their life they will achieve happiness. DO NOT USE â€Å"YOU†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Works Cited Little, Lyneka. Miseries of the Rich and Famous: The Concerns of the Super Rich: Wealth Does Not Bring Happiness-ABC.Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Calibre Wealth Management, Boston College. 21 March. 2011. Web October 14. http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/aristotle/ http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20080716235657AAyU5iY http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/34560/Aristotle/254722/Happine ss#ref923103 http://abcnews. go. com/Business/concerns-super-rich-wealth-bring-happiness/story? id=13167578#. UHsgpMVYuSo ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dude and Dudette

Dude and Dudette Dude and Dudette Dude and Dudette By Maeve Maddox The greatest Dude of all is without question Jeff â€Å"the Dude† Lebowski. But when did the word dude become a title to aspire to? When I was growing up, dude was a word to denote a somewhat prissy man concerned with nice clothes and clean fingernails. We even used the word as a verb: Well, look at you in that fancy outfit! You’ve really duded up for the occasion. In the context of the Wild West, a dude was an inexperienced Easterner or European being introduced to the rougher manners of the frontier. Once the West was tamed, the â€Å"dude ranch† came into being: a working ranch that catered to guests who wanted to play at being cowboys and could pay well for the privilege. The OED defines dude as â€Å"A name given in ridicule to a man affecting an exaggerated fastidiousness in dress, speech, and deportment, and very particular about what is aesthetically ‘good form.’† The first documented use of the word is from 1883. The OED citations indicate that it originated as American slang to describe young men who affected the dress, manners, and speech of an English gentleman. The Online Etymology Dictionary says that dude may derive from Yankee Doodle, a plausible idea, considering the lyrics of the song: Yankee Doodle went to town Riding on a pony; He stuck a feather in his hat, And called it â€Å"macaroni.† Macaroni was mid-18th century British slang for an Englishman who affected Continental fashions and behavior, incurring the ridicule of fellow citizens who valued â€Å"plain Englishness.† The American dude affected what to Americans were overly fastidious British mannerisms. According to Online Etymology Dictionary, dude to mean fellow, chap, buddy, guy, individual, etc. was in use by 1966, â€Å"originally in Black English.† Google Ngram Viewer shows the use of dude rising precipitately from the 1960s to the present. Dudette as the feminine of present-day dude is a recent surfer slang coinage dating from the early 1990s. Its existence is not yet acknowledged by OED, M-W, or the Ngram Viewer. Feminine forms existed for the earlier dude as well: dudine and dudess. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 English Grammar Rules You Should Know"Certified" and "Certificated"Neither... or?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Chemical Weapons Essays - Chemical Warfare, Free Essays, Term Papers

Chemical Weapons Essays - Chemical Warfare, Free Essays, Term Papers Chemical Weapons We have a lot of problems facing this modern world including global warming, nuclear proliferation, pollution, and war. One of the most overlooked problems that is facing this world is Chemical Weapons warfare. I will be discussing Chemical Weapons and their effect on people and the environment. Chemical Weapons need to be thought as a problem that requires an efficient swift solution. Before we can discuss the effect of Chemical Weapons on people and the environment we must discuss what exactly Chemical Weapons are. Chemical weapons have been defined as ?chemical substances, whether gaseous, liquid or solid, which might be employed because of their direct toxic effects on man, animals and plants." In other words, Chemical weapons are used for their harmful effect on people, the environment, and other things such as food supplies. Normally, Chemical weapons are used in war. These chemical weapons that are used tend to be in the form of solids, liquids and sometimes gases. While there are several different types of Chemical agents, the main groups are: Nerve Agents, Mustard Agents, Hydrogen Cyanide, Tear Gases, Arsines, Psychotomimetic Agents and Toxins. It was stated that Chemical Weapons are normally used in war. Chemical Warfare has become a part of 20th century warfare. Chemical Weapons were first used World War I, and are still have been since. A recent incident involving Americans and Chemical Warfare was from the Persian Gulf Conflict in which US soldiers were exposed to chemical weapons. Since then, many soldiers have become sick with a strange ?Gulf- syndrome? that has since been attributed to Chemical Weapons used secretly by Iraq. Chemical Weapons are extremely dangerous and hazardous to life. This is their sole purpose. Their effects on humans and the environment can be incredible and awful. The effect of a chemical weapon depends on the type employed. Nerve agents can cause death. Along with their fatal properties, Nerve agents can be colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Other Chemical agents, such as mustard gas, can be used to render their victims unable to fight. Mustard gas causes huge blisters on the skin and has caused many causalities in war. Other chemical weapons agents can be used to cause blindness, mental confusion, and violent coughing in their victims. Chemical Weapons are also dangerous to the environment. Chemical weapons are used to destroy food supplies, damage the environment, and poison water. The effects of the weapons are long-standing and dangerous. Plantlife is discolored and often killed. Animals suffer the same dangerous effects of chemical weapons as people. Water supplies often require heavy equipment for re-purification in order to make the environment suitable again for life. Chemical Weapons leave lingering effects on the environments in which they are employed. Chemical weapons are not used by the large nations. It is the smaller states, that threaten to, and do employ them. While some of the more deadly chemical nerve gases, like those from W.W.I, are rarely still used, Chemical Weapons are still stockpiled and used. Stockpiling of Chemical Weapons is dangerous situation. When a nation has these weapons, then there is the threat of their use. Also, security must be set up around these weapons. However, there are efforts being made in order to help reduce, remove, and dispose of Chemical Weapons in a safe way. In recognition of Chemical Weapons being a serious problem that needs to be dealt with, the United Nations has formed the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). The goal of the CWC is to help bring about the total elimination and banning of chemical weapons in the all countries of the world. They have written an extremely long, specific charter that explains how this can and will be done. Over 60 countries have already ratified it. By banning Chemical Weapons Warfare, and creating specific parameters around disposal and destruction of Chemical Weapons, peace and order can finally be achieved. Chemical Weapons are a problem that needs to be dealt with. Their effects on people, animal, and plant life are extremely devastating. There is a solution though. The CWC has created the guidelines required for dealing with Chemical Weapons. In order for there to be stability in this world, nations have to agree to stop stockpiling chemical weapons and move towards their

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Chebyshev’s Theorem and the Empirical Rule

A bell curve is perfectly symmetrical with respect to a vertical line through its peak and is sometimes called a Gauss curve or a normal curve. The second shape a scatter diagram may have is anything but a normal curve as in the next drawing: We can do a lot of good statistics with the normal curve, but virtually none with any other curve. Let us assume that we have recorded the 1000 ages and computed the mean and standard deviation of these ages. Assuming the mean age came out as 40 years and the standard deviation as 6 years we can do the following predictions. Chebyshev’s Theorem In the case of a scatter diagram that seems to be anything but a normal curve, all we can go by is Chebyshev’s theorem. This very important but rarely used theorem states that in those cases where we have a non-normal distribution, the following can be said abut the individual data, which in this case are the ages: †¢ At least 75% of all the ages will lie in the range of [pic]. In our case this means that at least 75% of the people will have an age in the range of [pic] years which simplifies to a range of 28 to 52 years. †¢ At least 88. 9% of all the ages will lie in the range of [pic]. In our case this means that at least 88. 9% of the people will have an age in the range of [pic] years which simplifies to a range of 22 to 58 years. †¢ At least 93. 75% of all the ages will lie in the range of [pic]. In our case this means that at least 93. 75% of the people will have an age in the range of [pic] years which simplifies to a range of 16 to 64 years. †¢ At least 96% of all the ages will lie in the range of [pic]. In our case this means that at least 96% of the people will have an age in the range of [pic] years which simplifies to a range of 10 to 70 years. At least 97. 2% of all the ages will lie in the range of [pic]. In our case this means that at least 97. 2% of the people will have an age in the range of [pic] years which simplifies to a range of 4 to 76 years. How can we calculate these percentages? To calculate the 75%, the 88. 9%, the 93. 75%, etc, we look at the number of standard deviations in the respective intervals. The 75% goes together with me an  ± 1 standard deviation, the 88. 9% with mean  ± 2 standard deviations, the 93. 75% with mean  ± 3 standard deviations, and the 96% with mean  ± 4 standard deviations. In general you can say that the percentage of people with an age in the range of mean  ± k standard deviations can be found by calculating the value of the quantity [pic] and then converting that into a percentage. Summarizing the above we get the following table: |Interval |k |[pic] |% | |[pic] |2 |[pic] |75 | |[pic] |3 |[pic] |88. 9 | |[pic] |4 |[pic] |93. 75 | |[pic] |5 |[pic] |96 | [pic] |6 |[pic] |97. 2 | Do we have to restrict ourselves to whole numbers as values for k? No, we may take any value for k as long as it larger than 1. For instance, for k = 2. 5 we get the result that [pic] in the interval [pic] years Example 1: Students Who Care is a student volunteer program in which college students donate work time in community centers for homeless people. Professor Gill is the faculty sponsor for this student volunteer program. For several years Dr. Gill has kept a record of the total number of work hours volunteered by s student in the program each semester. For students in the program, for each semester the mean number of hours was 29. 1 hours with a standard deviation of 1. 7 hours. Find an interval for the number of hours volunteered in which at least 88. 9% of the students in this program would fit. Solution: From the table above we see that a percentage of 88. 9 will coincide with an interval of [pic] hours. This can be rewritten as an interval from 24 to 34. 2 hours volunteered each semester. Example 2: The East Coast Independent News periodically runs ads in its own classified section offering a month’s free subscription to those who respond. This way management can get a sense about the number of subscribers who read the classified section each day. Careful records have been kept over a period of 2 years. The mean number of responses was 525 with a standard deviation of 30. What is the smallest percentage of responses in the interval between 375 and 675? Solution: The difference between the mean of 525 and the upper limit of this interval is 150. This is 5 standard deviations since[pic]. The same is true for the difference between the mean and the lower limit of this interval. According to the table above this coincides with 96%. The Empirical Rule When the data values seem to have a normal distribution, or approximately so, we can use a much easier theorem than Chebyshev’s. The empirical rule states that in cases where the distribution is normal, the following statements are true: †¢ Approximately 68% of the data values will fall within 1 standard deviation of the mean. †¢ Approximately 95% of the data values will fall within 2 standard deviations of the mean. Approximately 99. 7% of the data values will fall within 3 standard deviations of the mean. Example 3: The average salary for graduates entering the actuarial field is $60,000. If the salaries are normally distributed with a standard deviation of $5000, then what percentage of the graduates will have a salary between $50,000 and $70,000? Solution: Both $50,000 and $70,000 are $10,000 away from the mean of $60,000. This is two standard deviations away from the mean, so 95% of the graduates will have a salary in this interval. [pic] Age No of people [pic]

Friday, October 18, 2019

Article Crtique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Article Crtique - Essay Example The integration of the model into the health care industry was ensured by additional literature review, practice analysis, expert panel inputs, and pilot-testing survey. The variability in the application of the design has been handled by its wide coverage of twenty six behavioral and technical competencies. These competencies belong to three major domains in the studied industry. However each of these competencies were defined and benchmarked by behavioral indicators, or levels which were used to assess the progress of the professionals involved. The study model also took into consideration the differential developmental requirements. The Health Leadership Competency Model fits into academic conditions and also adheres well with practical circumstances in health care. The article addressed a clearly focused issue. The article aims at reviewing the operational results associated with the Health Leadership Competency Model being used in a number of organizations related with health care industry. It also aims to critically evaluate the outcomes of the application of Health Leadership Competency Models being used in healthcare management graduate programs. The article also specifically identifies the competencies for the model, its specifications and the validation process. The focus of the research is streamlined and has a defined direction. The objectives of the study have been justified by other literatures as z need of the industry. Standardization of Health Leadership Competency Models have been demanded by a number of researchers in the field. The authors have referred to appropriate and adequate works. The author referred to an explicit range of database and periodicals. A wide range was covered as literatures have been referred by the authors in the process of reviewing the outcomes Health Leadership Competency Model. Literatures pertaining to the need of improvisation in

HFSD Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

HFSD Coursework - Essay Example Our consultancy services include an exhaustive evaluation of the existing website of Domestic Appliance Services to identify any limitations which exist. Additionally, recommendations would also be made on improvements and steps would be taken to restructure the website in such a manner that it would be able to attract more custom. The consultancy services involve charges of $650 per day. The process of assessment of the website and preparing a written report, followed by implementation of restructuring plans for the website would involve a period of about five days, which amounts to a total investment expense of  £3250. This would be a one time expense rather than a recurring one and when offset against the losses that are happening on a daily basis through lost business, it could prove to be an investment that would be recovered within a day or so. The cost of an individual appliance is itself in about that range. For every sale that is lost, there is a potential loss of several thousands of dollars. Therefore, when the website is restructured in such a manner that it is able to harvest as many sales as possible through effective promotion and interactive links that pick up and follow through on customer enquiries and interest, it would result in improvements in revenue for Domestic Appliance Services that would surpass the investment of  £3250 that the Company would need to make. On this basis, Domestic Appliance Services might like to consider hiring the services of the Consultancy to undertake a detailed examination of the existing website in order to identify any existing limitations and restructure the website. An initial assessment is offered on the basis of the following aspects (a) navigation (b) attractiveness of design (c) ease of use (d) attractiveness of interface. In terms of navigation, the site has some problems. For

Exclusion clause Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Exclusion clause - Essay Example Exclusion clauses are guided by statutory provision and case law (Barker, 2007). In English Law, Simon (1981) noted the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (UCTA) seeks to regulate exclusion clauses in contracts by limiting their applicability to cases where they are absolutely necessary. The Act regulates all contracts (Beale, 2012). One of the statute’s primary roles is to restrict the legality of disclaimers of liability to reasonableness, depending on the kind of the duty which is claimed to be exempted and whether the offerer who intended to benefit from such clauses harmed the consumer’s interests (Brawn, 2012). The UCTA is usually applied in combination with the Sale of Goods Act 1979, the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 and the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. Firstly, under the UCTA, a party cannot excuse himself or herself from negligence under section 2(1) of UCTA 1977 when the breach of duty results in death or personal injury (Hughes-Jennett and Anslow, 2009). Secondly, under section 5(a), a company cannot exempt itself from liability caused by faulty goods or distributor negligence, particularly where commodities are meant for consumption (Stone, 2013). The doctrine that cushions the consumer is referred to as manufacturer liability. Thirdly, in light of the need to protect the consumer, sections 12-15 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 outlaw the exclusion of implied terms or terms which provide details of value or sample of goods (Walsh, 2009). In addition, the Consumer Protection Act 1987, and the Occupiers Liability Act 1984 are also vital pieces of legislation whose enactment contributes to the regulation of exclusion clauses (Page, 1994). Despite the enactment of these rafts of legislation to regulate a relatively small area of law, the fundamental reason behind them is to protect unsuspecting consumers from death, personal injury or material losses

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cultural Tensions in 1950s Hollywood Film Essay

Cultural Tensions in 1950s Hollywood Film - Essay Example As America emerged from the darkest days of the â€Å"Red Scare†, which saw the Hollywood film community intimidated by politicians, it was considered risky at best to undertake a thoughtful and soul-searching study of American political institutions and society. It is the thesis of this essay that Twelve Angry Men uses the instruments of American government and culture to effectively combat just these prejudices and bigotries. The film zeroes in on the New York of the 1950’s, the scene of a massive influx of Puerto Rican immigration in the years since the Second World War ended. There was considerable backlash by older immigrant stock both resentful and fearful of the newcomers. This tendency is frequently found today in soft areas of cultural intrusion and the perception of threat—whether real or imaginary—by the â€Å"invaders.† Such borderline xenophobia is of course not confined to America in that decade, but it seemed to present a crisis at th e local level at that time. It is into this setting that Twelve Angry Men is embedded. A Puerto Rican youth is accused of patricide in the stabbing death of his father, and it is his misfortune to come before a jury of largely apathetic or overtly racist men to hear the case. The film uses the sterilised laboratory of the American courtroom and jury deliberation room in the relentless search for objectivity and ultimate truth. Since this is a capital murder case, it is also a life or death decision for the defendant, the death penalty then being the punishment for the guilty. Whilst this would seem to demand the utmost care and commitment of the men on the panel, in fact the opposite happens. They range from the apathetic and even jovial to annoyance and boredom at the proceedings. Thus, there is also a subordinated theme of indifference to this highest of civic duties. Into this vacuum steps Davis, a man who seems to take his duties seriously. Disturbed at what he interpreted as a weak defence for the accused, he is the sole holdout as the poll goes around the room, voting â€Å"not guilty†. The other panelists have already determined the young man’s guilt, but Davis wants to â€Å"talk†; that is, he wants to open a dialogue box to try to find the truth. In this, he is after all only discharging his constitutional obligation to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. After this first polling, he gradually wins over one by one his fellow panelists, but it is not easy. Davis does not pretend to have all the answers, only probing questions to find the truth in the shadow of prejudice. In perhaps the most trenchant bit of dialogue in the script, Davis confronts the most blatantly bigoted member of the group after eyewitness testimony by a Puerto Rican woman throws some doubt on the deliberations. â€Å"She’s one of them, isn’t she?† he demands of the bigot. â€Å"You’re a pretty smart fella, aren’t you?à ¢â‚¬  the man replies, and then mutters to the others, â€Å"what’s he getting so smart about?† Possibly for the first time in his life, he has had his thought processes stimulated by a stranger. Soon, he changes his verdict as well. But Davis is far from arrogant in his search for objective truth. In another memorable scene in the water closet, another man confronts Davis and plants the seed of doubt in his mind. â€Å"How do you know the kid didn’t really knife his father?†

Strategic Groups and Contribution to Industry Profitability Essay

Strategic Groups and Contribution to Industry Profitability - Essay Example Both institutions may belong to the same industry but do not compete directly with another, so the factors that affect either of them may not be critical in their success; instead, organisations within similar strategic groups ought to be considered (Amel and Froeb, 1991). In essence, a strategic group may be understood as a collection of firms that utilise common strategies and operate within common competitive environments. Membership within this entity determines the threats and opportunities that organisations are susceptible to as well as other components of their competitive environments. Knowledge of such information is critical in understanding why some strategic groups perform better than others and why firms cannot move between groups easily. The concept of mobility barriers captures the above changes; this term is analogous to entry barriers because it prevents companies from changing from less profitable strategic groups to ones that are more profitable. High mobility barriers in a strategic group assist in cementing positions of high performance for certain organisations and shield them from intense rivalry by new ones (Hill and Deeds, 1996). One way of understanding how strategic groups contribute to industry profitability is through an analysis of the motor vehicle market; a highly traditional yet technology-dependent industry. Organisations like Jaguar, Land Rover and Rolls Royce initially had vertically integrated business models. These companies operated within similar strategic groups where they took advantage of economies of scale as well as specialisation in order to maintain the competitive advantage. Even collision between them was common because they were not overly concerned about production costs; however, these dynamics altered upon arrival of Japanese firms (Noel and Eduardo, 2007). The new entrants did not place too much emphasis on vertical integration; instead, they preferred to forge close associations with their contractors. A process that made them stand out was just in time manufacturing, which focused on efficient production through low inventory as well as flexibility.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

U.S War on Afghanistan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

U.S War on Afghanistan - Term Paper Example Americans truly understand that the question concerning Afghanistan is not about winning the war but whether it leads to national security. The Obama administration should speed up troop withdrawal and turn over combat to the Afghan Army. The Obama administration should speed up troop withdrawal and turn over combat to the Afghan Army. Getting rid of al Qaeda does not need a large scale and long term military presence in Afghanistan for several reasons. First and foremost, we must bear in mind that the military does very well in killing bad people, bombing command centers, destroying enemy troop formations, but not able to find hidden killers. The close cooperation with agencies that enforce foreign law and the scalpel of intelligence sharing has done more in rounding up suspected terrorists as compared to the military force. Whether we choose to stay or withdraw, al Qaeda can capitalize on our choice to remain victorious. If we happen to withdraw, we may appear weak despite the fact that the U.S is responsible for about a half of the military spending in the world. Its power can be projected to the most unreachable places in the word and come up with one of the largest nuclear arsenals globally. The United States of America also seems to be weak if it remains in Afghanistan for a longer period of time. Our military will appear weak, with aimless strategies and irrespective of our efforts; continued military operations will kill more Afghan civilians thus reducing the support we have among the population. Our policy towards Afghanistan has undermined the main U.S. interests in Pakistan. Operations have managed to kill quite a number of high value targets, and this may have gravely degraded al Qaeda’s international capabilities. Unfortunately, our policies are pushing the region’s jihadist insurgency over the boundary into Pakistan. In the year 2007, tribal based groups referred to as the Taliban started emerging in the Pakistan border region in re sponse to frequent Pakistan army incursions. The current U.S. policy is continuously pushing militants into Pakistan cities, thus strengthening the jihadist forces that we are seeking to defeat, therefore, pressing the nuclear armed country into war (Adam 34). Nevertheless, the most terrible thing we can do is concentrate in this region entirely. This is the same thing we did some time back when we funded the mujahedeen, but there were costs for being in the region for a long time. We accomplished very little but gave al Qaeda the chance to push the conflict into Pakistan. America should speed up troop withdrawal; continue with open relations and sharing of intelligence with all countries of the region. It should also deploy Special Forces for operations against particular targets and engage in rigorous surveillance (Schmitt 25). For the last few years, violence in Afghanistan has been dubbed an â€Å"insurgency† which requires the application of a counterinsurgency strategy. This has risen to prominence in the U.S defense force and national security thinking that relies on theology. Counterinsurgency has become common in the present and future wars. It has thus become a new way of war for the Americans. The challenge of counterinsurgency theory and doctrine is that it hinders our ability to apprehend the nature of our predicament in Afghanistan accurately. This theory gives emphasis on the population meeting its needs, developing economies and establishing governmental legitimacy (Cooley 72). According to the theory, most of the population is not sure on whose side they should be on, we should capitalize on this to influence them to choose us. The U.S should withdraw its troops from Afghanistan by using a public timetable. They should negotiate with the government of Afghanistan and other key partners. The U.S public is against the war in Afghanistan thus the war should be brought to an end. Even

Strategic Groups and Contribution to Industry Profitability Essay

Strategic Groups and Contribution to Industry Profitability - Essay Example Both institutions may belong to the same industry but do not compete directly with another, so the factors that affect either of them may not be critical in their success; instead, organisations within similar strategic groups ought to be considered (Amel and Froeb, 1991). In essence, a strategic group may be understood as a collection of firms that utilise common strategies and operate within common competitive environments. Membership within this entity determines the threats and opportunities that organisations are susceptible to as well as other components of their competitive environments. Knowledge of such information is critical in understanding why some strategic groups perform better than others and why firms cannot move between groups easily. The concept of mobility barriers captures the above changes; this term is analogous to entry barriers because it prevents companies from changing from less profitable strategic groups to ones that are more profitable. High mobility barriers in a strategic group assist in cementing positions of high performance for certain organisations and shield them from intense rivalry by new ones (Hill and Deeds, 1996). One way of understanding how strategic groups contribute to industry profitability is through an analysis of the motor vehicle market; a highly traditional yet technology-dependent industry. Organisations like Jaguar, Land Rover and Rolls Royce initially had vertically integrated business models. These companies operated within similar strategic groups where they took advantage of economies of scale as well as specialisation in order to maintain the competitive advantage. Even collision between them was common because they were not overly concerned about production costs; however, these dynamics altered upon arrival of Japanese firms (Noel and Eduardo, 2007). The new entrants did not place too much emphasis on vertical integration; instead, they preferred to forge close associations with their contractors. A process that made them stand out was just in time manufacturing, which focused on efficient production through low inventory as well as flexibility.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Farmer V Pilot Essay Example for Free

Farmer V Pilot Essay Does Farmer have any claim(s) for damages against Pilot based on intentional tort? Discuss. Rule of Law : The essential requirements of intentional torts are the elements of intent, injury, damages and causation. The concept of intention does not require that Defendant (D) know that his/her act will cause harm to the Plaintiff (P), but must know with substantial certainty that their act will result in certain outcomes (landing of the plane on the P’s land). To successfully make a claim against D, P must prove that D acted with purpose when he landed the plane on P’s property, that the act was intentional and it lead to the injury suffered by P (loss of land and crops) and the resulting damages to P’s land and crops. It is clear from the facts that that Pilot had clear intent to land the plane on Farmer’s property, that there was injury, that were damages and that it was the act of the Pilot’s that caused the damages. Farmer (Plaintiff P) may have three claims against the Pilot (Defendant – D) for damages based on intentional tort. The potential claims will be on the basis of : a)Trespass to Land Did Pilot trespass on Farmer’s land ? b)Trespass to Chattel Did Pilot trespass on Farmer’s chattel (property i.e. crops) ? c)Trespass to Conversion Did Pilot commit a conversion of Farmer’s property ? Defenses From the Pilot’s perspective, the potential applicable defense privileges that the courts provide to the Defense such that they are not held responsible for their act, are in the form of i) consent, ii) self defense, iii) defense of others (good samaritan) or iv) necessity. Though there are additional defense privileges available under the rule of law, the facts of this case lean towards exploring the said defenses. i.Consent : In the absence of consent from the property owner, consent can be implied by law (in the cases of emergency, when consent cannot be obtained in person) or consent can be implied in fact (when a consent cannot be obtained, but a reasonable person would believe that the property owner would give consent under the same specific conditions). ii.Self defense as a defense would be applicable in the circumstances when a threat is imminent and the subsequent act is reasonable. It is an affirmative defense, which would absolve D of  all liability. iii. Defense of others is a privilege to act when the ‘other’ person being defended has the right to self-defense and a privilege to act, and the force being used by D is acceptable under the reasonable force rule. iv.Necessity : A necessity defense requires the following elements: (1) D acted to avoid a significant risk of harm; (2) no adequate lawful means could have been used to escape the harm; and (3) the harm avoided was greater than that caused by breaking the law. Some jurisdictions also require that the harm must have been imminent and that the action taken must have been reasonably expected to avoid the imminent danger. The necessity defense could either be a ‘public’ necessity or a ‘private’ necessity. A public necessity is a full defense under the doctrine of ‘public good’ and D is not held liable for any damages. A private necessity is a not a viable defense and maybe considered a limited defense since the act that created t he tort was for the benefit of D or a third party. As a result, D may not be liable for the trespass, but is liable for the damages resulting from the trespass. The fact that the intent was driven from necessity, does not change the fact that the landing of the plane on Farmer’s property was intentional, voluntary and without the consent of the Farmer. However, the based on the facts, Pilot has a potential defense in the form of necessity.[1][2] Analysis a)Did Pilot trespass on Farmer’s land ? Trespass to land is defined as a person’s unlawful entry onto another’s land. There are five elements which the plaintiff must show to make prima facie case : I.Intrusion on P’s land was a volitional act by D. II.D acted with the intent of intruding on the P’s land. III.Physical intrusion on the P’s land by D. IV.P was in possession or was entitled to immediate possession of the land when the trespass took place. V.Trespass was caused by the D’s act. Based on the facts, it is clear that the Pilot has a prima facie case for ‘trespass to land’. The facts are clear that the i) Pilot intended to land on the Farmer’s land; ii) Pilot did land on the Farmer’s land; iii) the Farmer had not expressly authorized the entry. [3] However, as a defense privilege we have to review the law in terms of implied consent (implied in-fact and implied in law) and the application of necessity case law. The urgent nature of the circumstances and the availability of limited options (sub-division of homes, trees of vacant land) provide a basis for implied consent. Implied in-fact consent would be an objective manifestation as a reasonable person would consent under the circumstances especially when taking into account the loss of life against the loss of property. Per case law, the courts have ruled that loss of life over-shadows loss of property. Similarly, implied in-law consent would need to be reviewed under the rule of law and the benefit of the public, considering the options between landing on a housing tract versus landing on a vacant farm where the potential of damages would be significantly lower. The same elements of urgency and limited available options also provide the defense privilege under the rule of law of ‘necessity’. If the defense falls under the preview of ‘public necessity’, then D is not liable for any damages and P will not be able to collect any damages from D. However, if the defense falls under ‘private necessity’, D is liable for limited damages to P. As such a key factor to decide under the rule of law will be ‘was this public necessity versus private necessity ?’. Though D took action to minimize loss to the public, the action was also driven by private necessity as D and D’ clients were less likely to be hurt in the vacant field than in the sub-division and/or trees. In addition, the fact that D was a pilot and was flying a commercially paying client will also play a role in deciding public versus private necessity.[4] b)Did Pilot trespass on Farmer’s Chattel ? Trespass to chattel is the intentional interference with the right of possession of personal property of another. The defendants acts must intentionally damage the chattel, deprive the owner of its use for a period of time, or totally dispossess the chattel from the owner. i.An act by D that intentionally interferes with Ps right of possession in a chattel ii.Causation iii.Damages Based on the facts, it is clear that the Farmer does have a valid claim for ‘trespass to chattel’. The elements of causation and damages to the Farmer’s crops are clear. Even though the facts do state that the Pilot ‘did not see the crops from the air as they had been recently planted’), a the Restatement (Second) of Torts indicates that intention is present when an act is done for the purpose of using or otherwise intermeddling with a chattel or with knowledge that such an intermeddling will, to a substantial certainty, result from the act. Based on the rule of law, the Farmer has a valid prima facie claim for ‘trespass to chattel’. c)Did Pilot commit trespass of conversion on Farmer’s property (land and crops) ? The trespass of conversion is similar to the tort of trespass to chattel. Both require D to interfere with Ps right of possession in personal property. However, defendant must have intended to exercise control over the property in a manner inconsistent with the owners rights. However, conversion claims are brought in cases where the damage done to the property is more severe than in a trespass case. The facts of the case do not indicate the severity of the damages or the length of time for the loss of chattel. In the event, that the land was damaged for the longer term where the Farmer was unable to use the land for farming for the longer term, this claim could be made under the laws for ‘conversion’ Conclusion Trespass to land, Trespass to Chattel and Conversion are acts which were committed by Pilot. The Pilot fully intended to land on the Farmer’s property knowing that it belonged to someone else and knowing that they did not have ‘express’ consent to land. The Pilot’s act of intentionally landing in the Farmer’s field caused damaged to the Farmer’s land and crops. However, the Pilot acted within reason, acted as a reasonable person would under the emergency circumstances and did act on the best viable option i.e. landing on vacant farmland versus, a sub-division of homes or trees. The Pilot did not act with recklessness or negligence. As a result, the defense of necessity is applicable. The defense of ‘necessity’ will limit or fully absolve the Pilot from any damage claims from the Farmer. The distinction between public versus private necessity is the deciding factor on the Pilot’s liability towards the Farmer. Though D took a ction to minimize loss to the public, the action was also driven by private necessity as D and D’s clients were less likely to be hurt in the vacant field than in the sub-division and/or trees. In addition, the fact that D was a pilot and was flying a commercially paying client will play a role in deciding public versus private necessity. I believe that it is an act that is not likely to be defined as a ‘public need’ act under case law and as such, the Pilot would be liable to pay reasonable (non-punitive) damages to the Farmer.[5]

Monday, October 14, 2019

Organisations Are Not All The Same

Organisations Are Not All The Same Majority of organizations have a management structure that determines the relationships between the members and different activities happening within the organisation, the responsibilities ,the assigned roles and finally the authority to carry out different tasks. Organizations are open systems, their surroundings or environments affect them and they in turn affect their environment. What do organisations do? The ultimate goal of an organization is the ability working together. The strength of an organization arises from its capacity for coordination of systems, people, and activities. Coordination and integration is very essential to every single organisation, because this not only helps the organisation grow, but also makes it stronger as a unit. So therefore integration and coordination are the most advanced tools of an organisation. What are they composed of? Organisations are composed of major subsystems, such as teams, groups, departments and programmes etc. departments, programs, divisions, teams, etc. Each of these subsystems has a way of doing things to, along with other subsystems. How are organisations; organised? Organisations are made up of different sub structures. In any organization employees duties are typically defined by who they report to, what they do, and for the managers, who reports to them. As the organization grows bigger these roles are assigned to positions within the organization rather than to specific individuals. The best an organization is organized depends on many factors including the work it does; its size in terms of labor, capital, revenue, and the location of its facilities; and the types of the businesses the organization is involved in. Are they all the same; or are there differences? Organisations are not all the same If they are different; in what way do they differ? Organisations differ through the structures a particular organisation chooses to run its firm on. What are the reasons for the differences? Seminar Question Two Why is understanding the context within which an organisation operates important? (Remember you should be using the literature to develop and support your answers) The organizational context refers to the scope of an entity, such as an entire organisation, a sub-organisation within the overall organisation, a work unit, a parent organization a work role etc. There are three perspectives to which an organisation operates; they are the strategic, tactical and operational. The strategic focuses on long term needs within the organisation, the tactical focuses on long term needs within the organisational context, and the operational perspectives is based on users task within the organisation. Seminar Question three What benefit would strategic decision-makers gain from utilising a definitive framework and following a specified strategy development and deployment process? Strategic management evaluates the major initiatives taken by a companys top management on behalf of owners, involving resources and performance in external environments. It specifies the organizations vision, mission, and goals. It helps shapes up policies and plans, often in terms of certain target to be meet or projects and programs, which are designed to achieve these goals. According to recent studies carried out by leading management theorists strategy needs to start with stake holders expectations when dealing with any major problem. Strategic management provides guidance and an overall direction to the firm. According to Arieu (2007), there is strategic consistency when the actions of an organization are consistent with the expectations of management, and these in turn are with the market and the context. Seminar Question Four Carry out a PESTLE analysis of a nationally operating retailing organisation. Discuss the results of your analysis and any conclusions you can make concerning the organisations mid to long term future. What trends might be useful to monitor as a performance indicator for strategic actions the organisation might take? Use the PESTLE grids we looked at this week and submit copies with your answer PESTLE ANALYSIS FOR COCA-COLA Coca-Cola, the largest manufacturer, distributor and marketer of beverage drinks in the world as of today. Coca-Cola is recognized as the worlds most valuable brand in the beverage industry. They have the worlds largest beverage distribution system, plus boasting total consumers in more than 200 countries Political Analysis Government regulations and rules make Coca-Cola follow and open strict laws and regulations. Government have potential fines and penalties set aside if they do not meet this rules. Different changes in laws and regulations, changes in non-alcoholic environment Seminar Question Five Conduct a review of the business literature, and then carry out a Five Force analysis of the Coca-Cola organisation. Describe and discuss the results of your analysis The competitive structure of coca cola organisation and can be analysed using Porters five forces. This model attempts to analyse the coca cola industry by considering five forces within its market. The extent to which barriers to entry exist. The more difficult it becomes for other firms to enter the market, therefore making it more likely for existing firms to make more profits. Coca cola as an existing brand would have a high level of loyalty form its customers and as an already existing it may react aggressively to any new entrant into its type of market. Thirdly the stronger the power of buyers in an industry the more likely it is that they will be able to force down prices and reduce the profits of firms that provide the product. There would also be heavy competition coca cola faces regularly from its different rivals such as Pepsi, and since there is a high degree of rivalry that exist between these two fierce competitors, it would be relatively hard for coca cola to generate high profits. In addition, supplier power plays a big role in Coca-Cola operating strategy because, if the supplier power is strong, then it would be difficult for Coca-Cola to make high profits if the suppliers determine the terms and conditions on which the business is run. Finally Coca-Cola is likely to generate higher returns if the industry Is difficult to enter, there are limited rivalry, the buyers are relatively weak, Suppliers are also relatively weak, and there are few substitutes. On the other hand from my review, they would make low returns, if the suppliers are strong, there are numerous substitutes available, there is a high degree of rivalry between the firms, buyers are strong, and the industry is easy to enter. Seminar Question Six In an organisation change programme after PESTLE and 5 force analysis have been completed the 7S Model specifies seven factors that are classified into soft and hard elements. Soft elements are skills style and shared values, while the hard elements on the other hand are easily identified and influenced by management. The hard elements are systems, structure and strategy. Seminar Question Seven When considering the Boston Matrix explains what causes products and services to be cash users, cash neutral or cash generators. Explain why an organisation might decide to keep providing a product or service long after it has reached the decline and low return stage of the life cycle. Cash cows have high customer loyalty and own a high percentage of the market share .This is because customers have a good understanding of the product and most times are loyal, and less marketing support is needed to promote the particular good or service. These high sales results in economies of scale so therefore the average unit costs are relatively low. Profit margins, on the other hand, are likely to be on the high side because the product is a major cash generator. Seminar Question Eight What would the value chain of a university look like? Produce a value chain model and a short description. Make some suggestions of how to improve the cost effectiveness of some of the value chain elements. Seminar Question Nine Produce a table that records the features of the competitive positioning strategies of: Ryan Air, BMW and Rolls Royce. Where do each of these organisations fit in the Porter Generic Strategy Model? Describe how each organisation sustains their competitive advantage Seminar Question Ten The key stakeholders for the University of Huddersfield are: The students /parents alumni: The students want a good valued degree leading to further study or graduate employment. A good caring safe student experience with a good quality accommodation and top class facilities is also needed. Furthermore high standards of teaching and academic support 3. Employees businesses 4. School colleges 5. Applied research funders

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Digital Image Analysis Of Yell :: essays research papers

Digital Image Analysis of Yellowstone National Park Introduction Remote sensing refers to the tele-observational surveying and mapping of physical, urban and environmental features. Remote Sensing is also a composite of many other subjects such as aerial photography, radar surveying, thermal surveying, weather forecasting and photogrammetry. It has now become quite common practice to use remotely sensed data to take inventory, monitor and develop effective management practices of our natural resources. Objective It is the purpose of this paper to further enhance the understanding of remotely sensed data in such a way that we may assist the human brain in the extraction and interpretation of this data through digital image analysis data manipulation techniques, such as rectification, enhancement and classification. The application of conventional and non-conventional image enhancement /classification procedures will be applied to an area of The Old Faithful section of the North Fork forest fire within Yellowstone National Park as it existed on September 8, 1988. They will also be applied to Nile Delta region of Egypt. Conventional technology in the context of this paper refers to imagery that is uni-dimensional, that is, it has only one spectral band available for analysis. The term non-conventional will refer to imagery that has multi bands available for manipulation and analysis. Methods of enhancement utilized in the multi-band portion of this project include: - colour and histogram image enhancement - normalization and image algebra enhancement - filtering image enhancement - band transformations (eigen pictures) image enhancement - coventional methods of enhancement Methods of classification utilized in this project include: - signature training ( sampling) - supervised classification, PPD, Mindis, Maximumlikliehood - unsupervised classification, histogram equalization, clustering Methods of enhancement used in uni-scene portion of this project include: - histogram equalization uni-band - filtering image enhancement Data Acqisition Data acquisition refers to the data by means of information gathering about the scale selection of the remote sensing formats and the target identification of the surveyed and mapped resources. In this analysis we have acquired Landsat Thematic Mapper data which consists of seven spectral bands and covers a 512x512 picture element area. The Landsat ground resolution or pixel size is 30x30 metres which translates to an area coverage of 235.93 square kilometres of ground coverage, which is a subset region of the Yellowstone National Park. The Nile Delta region is located in nothern Egypt and the data acquired was originally acquired for delta topgraphy. The data is Landsat MSS with one available band and covers a 580x640 picture element area. The Landsat MSS ground resolution is 80x80 metres which translates to an area coverage 2211.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

I Never Promised You A Rose Garden :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I Never Promised You a Rose Garden by Hannah Greene I Never Promised You a Rose Garden takes place in the late 1940s. The main setting is in a mental hospital just outside Chicago. But it also goes back and forth between the hospital and the main character’s home in Chicago. This book is about a girl named Deborah who is diagnosed with schizophrenia. She is sent to a mental hospital after trying to commit suicide. Deborah lives in her own world of Yri and has lost touch with reality. In fact, she wants no part of the real world. During her life she feels that she has been deceived in so many ways and has become cynical. She has no friends except for the secret Gods and Goddesses she makes up in her head. In the beginning of the book Dr. Fried is introduced. She is a doctor that is going over Deborah’s papers and speaking about how she may succeed in making Deborah better. This foreshadows how important she will be in Deborah’s life. Also how influential she will be to Deborah strengthening her health situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After cutting her arms, Deborah is moved to the Disturbed Ward or â€Å"D† ward. There she finds many interesting people. She continues to open up to Dr. Fried and tells her more and more about Yri. This in turn makes the Gods of Yri upset and makes Deborah go into these spells where she become unresponsive. The Gods also criticize her and put her down which makes her do things such as burn holes in the arms with cigarette butts. Dr. Fried finally gets to Deborah by telling her that she shouldn’t quit trying to get healthy and really gets to her. After that Deborah begins to realize how important living is and she begins to let in the real world. She finally is moved back to a B ward and is allowed off the grounds. She stops letting the Gods rule her and goes back to school to get her life back together. Deborah’s conflict in this book is an internal conflict. Its whether to let the world in and live in reality or to continue living in the self hating, but comfortable life she’s made up inside her head. Deborah would like to be live in the real world, but she somehow doesn’t feel she fits in and that her world Yri is above the real world. She however does eventually choose the real world with the help of her hospital friends and Dr.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Freud’s Psychoanalysis in Art: Frida Kahlo’s Surrealism

One of the most influential social scientists of his time, Sigmund Freud and his theories on psychoanalysis remains relevant today in the study of human personality and the influence of the subconscious on human thinking and behavior.Freud’s ideas on the significance of dreams, which was seen by him as the expression of human being’s innermost desire, were in fact borrowed by artists ascribing to surrealism who sought to imprint the subconscious. Surrealist paintings are thus characterized with the use of symbols and often have a dreamlike quality to them, where cannot always be taken at face value or by literal translation.It is no wonder then that Freud’s ideas have been widely used in the interpretation of works of art or even of character sketches. Freud’s theory on how personalities are developed which revolves around the main ideas of id, ego, and superego, have, for instance, been used to explain how sex and libido may be transformed into other form s of energies, or how particularly traumatic life events may have a negative effect on both adults and children when not properly processed.Likewise, Freud’s ideas of sexual repression and displacement were influential in the growth and development of the surrealist school, which drew on the rich imagery of one’s dreams, wishes, and fantasies to create their art. (West 185)One of the most notable surrealist painters, Frida Kahlo, has been a classic example of an artist whose works could be interpreted using Freudian concepts and ideas. Kahlo’s tumultuous life, characterized by wild sexual affairs with both male and female lovers, a devastating divorce, and her inability to conceive children due to a series of back operations were mostly found in the bulk of her work which were fraught with symbolisms. (West 185)In her painting entitled Self Portrait with a Necklace, Kahlo painted herself wearing a necklace of thorns and a dangling humming bird, which alludes to her suffering from divorce (as symbolized by the thorns) and to her quest for new love (as shown by the humming bird which is a traditional Mexican love amulet). (Erickson, 2005). In these self portraits,Kahlo’s entire life was depicted in her paintings. She drew her own birth, for instance, and many other events including those connected with her pain and frustration. (Levine 273) Her husband Diego Rivera was also depicted in many of her paintings in different ways: in Frida and Diego Rivera (1931) which is supposed to be a painting of their marriage, she paints him as a father-figure and herself as his daughter, which is reminiscent of Freud’s Electra complex and reveals Kahlo’s insecurity at her own husband’s authority.In another painting Retablo (1943), she captures the scene of the accident that left her under intense pain for most of her life (Kahlo and Kettenman 32) which she later depicts in Broken Column (1944) that â€Å"graphically expresses h er physical agony.† (West 184)Psychoanalysis therefore plays an important role in understanding and unlocking many surrealist artwork. In Kahlo’s case, the artist has rendered her own physical suffering in the metaphoric sense, mostly through the use of portraiture, to something that is haunting and beautiful, and one which outlasts even the pain and suffering of Kahlo’s troubled soul.Works Cited:Erickson, R. (2005). Freudian thought and the surrealist world. Downloaded from Associated Content, The People’s Media Company on March 16, 2007 Kahlo, F. & A. Kettenman. (2000). Frida Kahlo 1907-1954: Pain and Passion. Taschen.Levine, M. P. (2000). Analytic Freud: Philosophy and Psychoanalysis. United Kingdom: Routledge.West, S. (2004). Portraiture. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.   

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Importance of Cultural Diversity in the Classroom

Schools are the topographic points where the kids shape their personalities and behaviour. Like a kid who shapes his or her personal mentality, even the school will be shaped by diverse cultural patterns and values of the society. In kernel, schools besides reflect the bing norms of the society for which they set up. Interrelated and closely bonded beliefs and values are really common the civilization of the schooling. In this chapter, an effort was made to associate the basic political orientation that underlines the civilization in the US with many nucleus values and beliefs. In add-on, a nexus was made to associate the basic political orientation as a agency of unwraping the deeper significance of civilization. Child raising is a really meaningful attack that one can utilize to uncover the deeper significance of the civilization. Rearing kids in a schoolroom has a strong nexus with the implicit in civilization of diverse cultural groups. Several writers in the yesteryear have tried to explicate what childrearing is, particularly in the context of bing cultural patterns. Almost all writers believe that childrearing is a mirror of different cultural political orientations along with patterns and values of different civilizations. Ogbu ( Ogbu, 1981 ) believes that parents prepare their kids for the society and the universe as they know and see it. Society can easy act upon and determine our schools. The nucleus values and patterns of the society are some of the critical factors that shape our schools. Educators, pupils and parents may ne'er understand the deeper significance of civilization within the atmosphere of school acquisition. Traditional definitions of civilization given by celebrated anthropologists may non be sufficient for planing and put to deathing school larning experiences that are so common in culturally different scenes. In this subdivision, we will handle objectifying civilization as the basic measure in the procedure of planing and building a simple and feasible definition of civilization. This simple working definition will assist us streamline be aftering school larning experiences among different people.What is exteriorizing civilization?A simple depersonalisation procedure that helps us in carry oning critical scrutiny of the political orientations that support accepted and acknowledged societal behaviour and cultural patterns. Political orientations and beliefs can reflect different facets of deep significance of civilization. Schools are the acquisition c entres that besides reflect the cultural norms of a larger sized society. Deeper significance of the civilization can besides be revealed through inspecting and measuring political orientations and any interrelated beliefs and values. One can besides uncover the deep significance of civilization by including communicating among parents, instructors and pupils, and different societal interaction forms, every bit good as childrearing methods and patterns.The Culture of Practice in a Fighting SchoolEvery instructor is different. Each one of them has ain ideological stance and apprehension of civilization. In fact, these two point of views shape how they see school course of study, larning procedure, teaching method and societal context that allow larning in school. In nutshell, the manner and mode in which a instructor understands the civilization influences in the school, will finally act upon his or her ability to supply meaningful and productive acquisition experiences to the pupils . This chapter will supply two chief benefits: It provides you a solid basis to grok cultural diverseness in a schoolroom ; It besides helps you larn how to learn traditionally underserved pupils, who come from diverse and experiential backgrounds. Hollins ( Hollins, 2006 ) reported about an attack, which was identified as a structured duologue, playing an of import tool to help change over the civilization of pattern followed in a low acting school. In such schools, instructors besides learned how to learn traditionally underserved urban pupils. The first portion of this chapter presents you the survey as reported by Hollins. On the other manus, the 2nd subdivision of this chapter deals with the things that instructors learned in their schoolroom, in the signifier of a construction that is planned at unwraping the deeper significance of civilization within the atmosphere of a school. The most critical constituents of this model are: Culturally mediated knowledge and Culturally mediated direction The chief end of this dedicated treatment is to convey an consciousness of the civilization of pattern in really low executing urban schools. This expertness will authorise you to measure your ain advancement as a dedicated schoolroom instructor and shun possible scenarios where you will be introduced unconsciously to the prevailing pattern of civilization.What is a structured duologue?It is an intricate procedure of acquisition, where all instructors come together in a survey group styled format, to discourse and larn more about their schoolroom duologues. In the procedure of carry oning a series of duologues, instructors can depict the unique successes and particular challenges they encounter in their schoolrooms along with groundss and testimonies from each of the take parting instructor. The most important benefit of a structured duologue procedure is the instructor ‘s ability to larn from other on different methods that can assist in bettering schoolroom patterns and pupil larning results.Identifying a Developmental TrajectoryHollins ( Hollins, 2006 ) besides worked on developing a developmental flight for alterations in the civilization of patterns in many of the underperforming urban schools. This flight involved three places and three markers. The places were: A Natal or initial civilization identified in many of the underperforming schools merely at the induction of the survey. A transitional place, when old patterns and values were replaced or changed with new 1s by the participating instructors A transformed civilization, where all take parting instructors adapted new and fresh values, patterns and perceptual experiences On the other manus, three of import markers suggested for alterations in the instructor ‘s civilization of patterns are: Teachers ‘ perceived perceptual experiences and sentiments about pupils, Teachers ‘ perceived perceptual experiences and sentiments about direction and Interrelationship among different instructorsLearning more about different placesThe natal place is a simple, yet effectual attack to structured duologue. The instructors of a school articulation as a group, in low acting schools, to keep a shortage point of view of their pupils to concentrate on a figure of issues like: Lack of accomplishments, cognition and information among pupils A sensed negative position of a pupil ‘s conditions of life An attitude that parents demo disinterest in their kids ‘s instruction In fact, every schoolroom is bound to take to differences in larning results. These differences could be due to a figure of grounds like: Student ‘s attempt and dedication towards surveies, Intelligence, accomplishments and perceived smarting Family ‘s societal position in the society In a natal place, instructors may or may non see each other ‘s schoolroom or they may or may non speak to each other sing their instruction methods. In fact, schoolroom direction delivered by instructors was private and confidential. School governments ensured that new instructor inductees were officially socialized into this new civilization. Following, will be the transitional place. During this place, instructors may ne'er speak negative about a pupil. However, it is rather hard to recognize similar results with all the instructional attacks used by the instructors. This issue resulted in a serious treatment about the bing relationship between the learning attack and the student-learning result. Dialogues about single instruction patterns veered towards personal, although single instructors were careful about presuming duty for larning result among pupils. Senior instructors started giving better attending to the initiation of new instructors by puting up informal and personal mentoring Sessionss. These Sessionss ever included proviso of counsel and aid about learning methods and attacks. On the other manus, transformational place is the last place that emerges during the 3rd twelvemonth of the survey. The positive facet of this place was that instructors ever talked positive about their pupils. In fact, positive result was the most important benefit of this place. With the induction of this place, instructors talked more about: The information pupils know and understand What should they cognize more about What instructional methods appeal them the most Teachers besides found clip to discourse many other issues like: The bing relationship among learning methods and attacks Properties of the pupil community Learning results and consequences Teachers become more antiphonal by taking full duties for their pupil ‘s acquisition results. Teachers besides start speaking more about their pupils ‘ strengths, failings and other related issues. In fact, everyone in the pubic knew about what pupils are making and how they are executing. Teachers took each other ‘s suggestions earnestly, visited other ‘s schoolrooms and subsequently assumed full duty for their ain schoolroom actions. All senior instructors started taking extra duties about the new inductee instructors. Hollins ( Hollins, 2006 ) presented the construct of developmental flight that is closely related to the typology topic discussed in Chapter I. The flight and typology discussed here gives you three of import places with associating classs of indexs for gestating learning methods. When you compare places and indexs in the typology highlighted erstwhile in the first chapter of the book, with those of Hollins ‘ , many similarities may be between the indexs, across many places in the typology and the flight. For illustration, You can detect that the Type I instructors mentioned in the typology are about similar to the instructors that were mentioned in the natal place, particularly in the flight on indexs for instructors ‘ point of view on pupils and direction. On the other manus, many indexs in the transformational place lying on the developmental flight and in the Type III in the sphere of typology indicate towards the application of a instructor ‘s cognition and consciousness about: The intricate relationship between many pupil properties and experiences Instructional and learning patterns adapted by the instructor Learning result as a meaningful support for learning that is productive and consequence oriented. As mentioned elsewhere in the book, a structured duologue is an efficient tool for helping the complete transmutation of a community of learning pattern and patterns of single instructors. If you are a get downing instructor, who is merely get downing to interact with your pupils, you can utilize this tool to better your learning methods and patterns. The typology and the flight are really good to instructors, old or new, in many different ways. The term typology is descriptive ; it tries to explicate the perceptual place, and response of instructors who are hired to learn in K-12 schools. It is a really convenient tool for analysis, rating and self-contemplation for planned personal growing. On the other manus, developmental flight means the transmutation of the pattern of civilization in an underperforming school with that of a acquisition community that focuses on heightening pupil larning results. Tip: When you recognize different indexs of place in a civilization of pattern followed in a school, you can easy understand how to interact and discourse with co-workers and in what mode you can supervise and measure your ain single growing after take parting in a community of pattern. Both flight and typology are really good to instructors in many ways. However, the typology theoretical account presented before in the first chapter, merely detected the basic features of instructor ‘s perceptual experience and patterns along the lines of three places, and it did non supply a construction for groking the bing relationship between different civilization and school patterns. Hence, the balance portion of this chapter will supply a platform for understanding the bing association between scholar ‘s cultural backgrounds, schoolroom acquisition manner and larning results.Cultural Diversity in a ClassroomThis class model will supply you a theoretical position for culling cognition base from other chapters and clarify the construction to help application to pattern. The chief constructs embedded in the model will give a broader significance for turn uping self-identity within the scopes of a culturally diverse society for Making an enquiry into pupils cultural and experiential background, Undoing sensitive elements from purposeful larning for pupils who from diverse communities and survey in simple and secondary schools The other aim of this chapter is to do clear the bing relationship between civilization, knowledge, pedagogical patterns and many larning results. The implicit in construction for groking cultural diverseness in a typical schoolroom consists of two major parts, viz. : Culturally intervened knowledge and Culturally intervened direction The former refers to the mode in which a pupil ‘s encephalon, memory constructions and critical rational procedures enhance, support and develop within a given cultural context. On the other manus, the latter includes a figure of of import constituents like culturally intervened knowledge and prized cognition and accomplishments in school course of study and culturally right societal scenarios for larning experience ( see Table 7.2 ) . Bransford, Brown, and Cocking ( 1999 ) pointed out that, â€Å" all acquisition involves transfer from old experiences † ( p. 56 ) . The monumental work of Piaget and Vygptsky provides a theoretical land for understanding cultural diverseness in a schoolroom. This theory draws on available information processing to explicate different structural constituents among different civilizations, knowledge, and teaching method and learning experience for different cultural backgrounds. Note that you can happen structural constituents among the take parting persons and groups, who are analyzing under different school scenes. On the other manus, civilization is alone and dynamic with changeless alterations and alterations.Journal ActivityHow make you manage a culturally diverse schoolroom? Explain how you want to learn and develop your kids, particularly in the context of bing cultural patterns. Explain how you will develop an ability to supply meaningful and productive acquisition experiences to the pupils, who are analyzing in a culturally fighting school. Differentiate between culturally mediated knowledge and culturally mediated direction. Explain your program of action to do structural duologue a success.Pause and ReflectAs a instructor, why do believe that a structured duologue is an efficient tool for helping the complete transmutation of a community of learning pattern and patterns of single instructors. Supply grounds for your statement. What are the possibl e constrictions and possible jobs that are likely to harvest up, when you are utilizing structured duologues? Think of some schemes and programs to utilize different perceptual experiences.